The Parish Council
The first meeting of the electors called for the purpose of forming a Parish Council, was held in the School Room on 4th December 1894, and 150 electors attended. The following were elected: F. Wright, W. Smith, G. Radford, A.L. Chesterton, S. Hammond, C. Knight, Hailes Wilden, Wm Randall, Richd. Bolton, Chas.Lake and James Smith.

Cliffe's 1st Parish Council
One of the first things they did was to write to the Water Works C, to “try & induce them to extend their main into Cliffe village.”
In 1896 they commenced street lighting, and many of these original oil lamps served the village until superseded by electricity in 1931.
In 1898 the Parish Council took over Park Fields on lease, allotting 6 acres for a Recreation Ground, and 4 acres for allotments. They later purchased the land, and in recent years have erected a Sports Pavilion thereon.
There were many additions In the village, with the help of the council, among these being the holding of a public library (ably conducted by two voluntary librarians) twice a week, the formation of a Youth Club in November 1946 and a “Darby & Joan” Club in 1950, and in 1952, after the Council had arranged for suitable plot of land near Norwood Corner, a brick built bus shelter was erected entirely by public subscription and voluntary labour. The opening ceremony was televised by BBC, and shown a day or so later on screens all over the country.

Norwood Bus Shelter

Sports Pavillion
With the coming of the disastrous floods early in 1953, when our marshes were submerged, although the village suffered but slight material damage, a relief fund organised but the Parish Council quickly raised over £69 to help less fortunate places.