It is with great pleasure that we can share their hard work with all.
We would like to thank the archivists at the Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre for their wonderful assistance, West Kent Women's Institute (the owners of this work,), for help in being able to transcribe and reproduce the 'Scrapbook' and especially the members of the Cliffe & Cooling W.I. who produced it.
We have taken a 'Cromwellian' approach to transcribing their work ('warts and all') and have attempted to reproduce it in full and without editing. The only section that we have missed out is the Index as this no longer applies.
Thank you ladies of the Cliffe & Cooling W.I. for an interesting and highly informative write-up of the history of our village.
An item of interest, a scrap of information, some remembrances of long ago, - all these have contributed to the production of this Scrapbook for the Women’s Institute competition of 1954-55.
Many of the accounts and some of the pictures supplied by members and friends for this goodly work have caused surprise and amusement. What a panorama of custom and change has unfolded as the work proceeded! The magnitude of the task could only be discovered as decisions for inclusion or omission of data had to be made.
An effort of this kind must necessarily be unique – and therefore goes to prove beyond doubt how totally unlike any other village in the world is the one to which applies and belongs.
Cliffe and Cooling
June 1955