Cliffe & Cooling Women's Institute
The formation meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in April 1946 having being called and arranged by Mrs. H. Couzens. Thirty-five members were enrolled and a committee formed consisting of Mrs. F. Foord (president) Mrs. Judd and Mrs. T. Hutchings (vice-president), Mrs. Brook, Mrs. W.W. Morrison, Mrs. F. Mugeridge, Mrs. L. Oakey, Mrs F. Parker and Mrs. V. Weeks.

The Cliffe and Cooling Women's Institute
Membership soon increased and numbers over sixty. One of the earliest meetings was held at the “Globe” Cinema and addressed by Mr. David Seth-Smith, the well-known broadcaster. Over two hundred schoolchildren also attended. There have since been many happy meetings, a particularly happy one taking place in the grounds of Cooling Castle, over one hundred members and friends listening to an address by Canon A.J. Wallis, who was formally Rector of Cliffe. On numerous occasions the Institute members have assisted with money-raising efforts for charitable purposes, and the Drama Group have several times produced plays at the local cinema.
Cliffe and Cooling Institute have a distinction of being the first Institute to stage an exhibit at a Ploughing Match of the Gravesend and Rochester Agricultural Association.
Produce Guild members have had a number of successes at both local and county shows. One member, Mrs. V. Weekes, has gained numerous awards at County Handicraft Exhibitions, and on one occasion had her work chosen for showing at a National Exhibition.
In 1949 and 1950 the Institute took a party of old folks for a tour by motor coach of the countryside, the 1950 party numbering 120.